Photography Akos Major


Art received his Masters of Architecture and his Bachelors of Arts in Fine Art from Tulane University in New Orleans. His projects there ranged from small pavilions and installations to urban designs for the New Orleans riverfront and Mexico City. As a printmaking major in his art studies, he gained the precision and graphic skills demanded of the medium. He spent a summer studying architecture and urbanism in Central Europe, and a semester in the graduate program at the Parsons School of Design. In New York, he worked for the artists Peter Halley and Mary Miss and interned at Asymptote Architecture. Prior to his graduation, he worked for several years in a furniture shop in New Orleans.  

After graduating from Tulane, Art moved to Beijing to join the MAD Parametric Research group in July, 2008. The team sought parametric solutions to specific problems on a number of projects in the office, from high rise towers to large cultural developments and landscape designs. After returning to New Orleans in September, 2009, Art worked in a number of fabrication shops and architecture offices as a freelance contractor. From July, 2010 to August, 2012 Art worked as a project designer at Trahan Architects. His experience there was focused on the design, detailing, and fabrication of massing and enclosure systems and public art installations.

Since September, 2012 Art has been pursuing a Masters of Architecture and Urban Design at Harvard University. His projects there include a combined transportation and education infrastructure intervention in Manhattan, a housing development in Milan, and various explorations in digital productions of form and space. He expects to complete his degree program in May, 2014.